What is Wellness? Wellness is not merely the absence of illness; it is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is Wholeness. After being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis aged 2, I was wheelchair-bound and head-to-toe disabled by 18. After more than a decade of intensive self-study, learning everything I could about what makes the human body & mind work and not work, I reconditioned myself back to wellness, but only after learning that I couldn’t just heal my body, I had to also heal the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self too. If you want to heal one part of you, you have to heal the whole self. Based on this long and expansive journey, I created Reconditioned as a hub to integrate all modalities and learnings within the world of well-being in one place, and as a result, here is where you will find information on everything from nutrition and epigenetics, to conscious parenting, trauma, neuroplasticity, inner child healing, conscious relationships, intentional entrepreneurship, meditation, manifestation, spirituality and more. Whether you are suffering from chronic illness, raising children in a world of conflicting information, you‘re an entrepreneur wanting to step into your purpose or you simply want to feel empowered and motivated to become the best version of yourself, tune in as I work to uncover the most actionable ways to recondition ourselves back to wellness.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Ep. 89 – KELLY BROGAN MD - Free Your Mind; The Path to Sovereignty
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
I speak a lot about “expanders”. In psychology, it is said that by having expanders - people who embody something we wish to become - it helps us to visualise ourselves becoming that ourselves.
For years, Kelly Brogan has been one of my biggest expanders.
Her journey from conventional psychiatry to holistic healing; her embodiment of the Divine Feminine; her unwavering knowing of who she is; her non-compliance with the machine that is big pharma and big tech.
In this episode I get to go DEEP with this powerhouse of a woman and learn about:
- What it really takes to heal from depression, anxiety or other psychiatric conditions
- Holistic healing of the physical body
- What it means to her to step into her power as a woman
- What she hopes to inspire in others
- Raising and home educating conscious children
Genuinely this is one of my most favourite episodes so make sure to listen all the way through.
And if what Kelly said resonated, and you’re suffering from mental or physical health challenges, Kelly’s life-changing course, Vital Mind Reset, is open for registration now. I cannot recommend this course enough - it will change your life. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or any other psychiatric or neurological condition, simply click this link, join the course and let Kelly show you how to heal without drugs. https://www.kellybroganmd.com/a/23299/x82WSmvT
Also mentioned in the episode:
Connected Fates; Separate Destinies by Marine Selenee - https://amzn.to/3Sz6Wmt
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Sensate, the palm-sized, infrasonic device that will not only help reduce anxiety, but will also deepen your meditations. Visit getsensate.com and use code LAUREN10 for 10% off.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, as well as hundreds of articles, recipes and recommendations, visit www.laurenvaknine.co.uk
FREE live 3-day training - UNCOVER YOUR PURPOSE link to reserve your spot here: https://www.subscribepage.com/uncoverpurpose
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Register for my monthly Full Moon Newsletters and other amazing content! As well as getting my FREE 7 Step Guide to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled you. Sign up HERE: https://www.subscribepage.com/7stepguide
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
I was absolutely stoked to record this podcast with New York Times bestselling author and biohacking legend, Ben Greenfield.
We met at the Health Optimisation Summit and got to spend time together walking around Regents Park while we recorded.
Because the biohacking world is so male-dominated, I was almost jumping up and down on my seat when Ben’s talk at the summit focused less on tracking and numbers and statistics, and more about what it actually means to optimise your life - the more feminine energy within all this biohacking stuff. This is what really made me want to interview him.
In this episode you’ll hear Ben’s sought-after advice on:
- Parenting with a holistic approach
- Optimal daily routines
- Red light therapy (photobiomodulation)
- Cold water therapy
- Sleep optimisation
- Travel essentials and how to thrive when travelling
- Optimal exercise
- Diet & fat loss
Products mentioned:
Melatonin Use practitioner code 63T091 for 10% discount – discount activated at checkout
NAD+ Use practitioner code 63T091 for 10% discount – discount activated at checkout
Red Light Therapy / Infrared panels - Visit Block Blue Light and use code LAUREN10 for 10% off
PEMF (Pulsed Elecromagnetic Field Therapy) - Visit Health Fusion Barnet (London) for treatments
Grounding Mats - Click the link for 10% discount on grounding mats and earthing sheets
Somavedic (to restructure water and reduce EMFs). Use code LAUREN10 for 10% off
Harmoni Standing Desk - click the link for instant £10 discount
Transdermal Progesterone
Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Sensate, the palm-sized, infrasonic device that will not only help reduce anxiety, but will also deepen your meditations. Visit getsensate.com and use code LAUREN10 for 10% off.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, as well as hundreds of articles, recipes and recommendations, visit www.laurenvaknine.co.uk
FREE live 3-day training - UNCOVER YOUR PURPOSE link to reserve your spot here: https://www.subscribepage.com/uncoverpurpose
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Register for my monthly Full Moon Newsletters and other amazing content! As well as getting my FREE 7 Step Guide to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled you. Sign up HERE: https://www.subscribepage.com/7stepguide
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Ep. 87 – RISE – Inner Child Healing; How to Reparent Your Inner Child
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Whether you’re healing from trauma or health challenges or even a negative mindset and bad habits, you literally cannot heal them until you’ve done the work on your inner child, and in this episode I give you the tools you need to start that process.
My Inner Child Healing Meditation will help you with this process. You can listen to that HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxfWjguPSxs&list=PLwBUOqjoAtbP17x3V5fUpn8GFtvsDJavR&index=1&t=16s
Make sure to head to my LV Recommends page for every recommendation of mine you could possibly want, and I’m constantly updating it!
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Sensate, the palm-sized, infrasonic device that will not only help reduce anxiety, but will also deepen your meditations. Visit getsensate.com and use code LAUREN10 for 10% off.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, as well as hundreds of articles, recipes and recommendations, visit www.laurenvaknine.co.uk
FREE live 3-day training - UNCOVER YOUR PURPOSE link to reserve your spot here: https://www.subscribepage.com/uncoverpurpose
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Register for my monthly Full Moon Newsletters and other amazing content! As well as getting my FREE 7 Step Guide to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled you. Sign up HERE: https://www.subscribepage.com/7stepguide
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Ep. 86 – BRUCE LIPTON – Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
I cannot tell you what a moment it was for me to interview Bruce Lipton, PhD. His book, The Biology of Belief, changed my life about 15 years ago when it taught me that the outcome of my health will be down to my beliefs, not my genes, and from there I started teaching myself how to believe myself out of illness.
In this episode we discuss:
- Why your genes are not your destiny
- How you can change your life by changing your beliefs
- Understanding cell biology and how this plays a part
- BRCA gene understanding
- Conscious parenting in how we can shape our children’s beliefs to create more positive outcomes
- What it really means to “think positively”
And so much more.
Make sure to check out www.brucelipton.com for all the resources he speaks about in this episode.
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Sensate, the palm-sized, infrasonic device that will not only help reduce anxiety, but will also deepen your meditations. Visit getsensate.com and use code LAUREN10 for 10% off.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, as well as hundreds of articles, recipes and recommendations, visit www.laurenvaknine.co.uk
FREE live 3-day training - UNCOVER YOUR PURPOSE link to reserve your spot here: https://www.subscribepage.com/uncoverpurpose
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Register for my monthly Full Moon Newsletters and other amazing content! As well as getting my FREE 7 Step Guide to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled you. Sign up HERE: https://www.subscribepage.com/7stepguide
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Judgement. We all feel it, towards others, from others, towards ourselves. And yet most of us understand that it doesn’t make us feel good.
Why do we judge?
What does judgement mean?
How does it affect us spiritually?
How does it relate to shadow and ego?
How can we move away from it and indeed, what can happen for us when we do?
In this episode I go deep into the subject of judgement to help us understand the answers to all these questions, and more, to help us move away from judgement and into a place of compassion, self-awareness, self-mastery and interbeing, as opposed to the separation caused by judgement.
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe/follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
I don’t often get nervous to interview guests, but having Charles Eisenstein on Reconditioned was a huge moment for me.
He is, in my opinion, one of the greatest minds of our time, and his work has not only influenced my work and inspired me to be better, it has also stirred the deep inner knowing inside me that we - humanity - are doing it wrong, but that there are solutions to do life better.
If you haven’t yet heard of Charles Eisenstein, I urge you to go to his Substack page and read as many of his essays as you can, including his thought-provoking 2020 essay, Coronation, in reference to the then new coronavirus and all associated measures - measures he prophesised in his earlier book, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, which needs to be read by every human.
In the episode we discuss:
- The myth of separation and the Story of Interbeing
- Parenting with a mindset of Interbeing
- The purpose of challenging times and how to navigate them
- Sacred economics
- The story of health technology
- The meaning of life
- and other totally intangible stuff that cannot be conveyed here on this page, so just sit back and listen :)
I mention in the episode Charles’s short film, A Gathering of the Tribe, created by Aubrey Marcus to offer us all access to the life-defining story Charles tells in the final chapter of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible. Nothing has touched my soul and brought me back into a place of trust and Interbeing as much as this film has, so I would highly recommend watching it.
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe/follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Ep. 83 - RISE - Why We’re Chronically Infertile (& my own fertility journey)
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Fertility is a topic I’ve been wanting to speak about for a while.
I’m hugely passionate about getting to the bottom of health concerns and finding the missing pieces. I believe every health challenge has a cause, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual - perhaps sometimes a culmination of all 3.
In this episode I talk you through my own turbulent fertility journey, before going into the nitty gritty behind why such a staggering amount of us are struggling with fertility in the modern world, the truth about why it’s happening, and what we can do - and need to do - in order to change it, not just for ourselves individually, but for the human race.
It’s deep, it’s intense, it hits on some hard truths, but it’s hugely expensive.
In the episode I mentioned a couple of articles I’ve written:
- 8 Tips to Holistically Aid Your Fertility Treatment
- When the Detox Button is Switched Off (our genes are not our destiny)
- MTHFR - The Gene Mutation that Could be Harming Your Unborn Baby
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
***Want to uplevel your life NOW? Visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com for information about enrolling in the Recondition Your Life Academy, events and workshops***
Dr Vandana Shiva is a scholar, food sovereignty advocate and world-renowned environmental activist. The daughter of a Himalayan forest conservator, who became the world’s most powerful opponent of Monsanto. Known by many as the Gandhi of Grain for her tireless work to regain control of the seeds we rely on, out of the hands of big corporations and back into the hands of the people.
I am blown away and absolutely buzzing and inspired after recording this episode and urge you all to listen all the way through.
We discuss:
- The history of the chemicals used on our food
- The background of the corporations controlling our food
- What GMO foods are doing to our health and our planet
- The truth about Glyphosate and what it’s doing to us
- The truth about Bill Gates and his involvement in Big Food
- What is happening to our soil & the ecology of the planet
- What we can do to create positive change at in individual level
- Why we are all connected and why it is important for us to understand that at a quantum mechanics level in order for us to avoid extinction
Dr Shiva is holding 2 courses in March 2022
Ecofeminism: The Creative Power of Nature & Women -
6th to 8th March 2022 - With Dr Vandana Shiva - 150 USD - 730pm IST
Biodiversity as a bridge to happiness
International Happiness Day 18th - 20th - March 2022
Dr Vandana Shiva, Dr Saamdu Chetri - 730pm IST
150 USD
To book onto either of these please email earthuniversity@navdanya.net
You can learn more about Dr Shiva’s work here https://www.sociologygroup.com/vandana-shiva/
You can watch the film about Dr Shiva’s work here https://vandanashivamovie.com/
Buy Oneness vs the 1% anywhere you get your books!
Follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/drvandanashiva
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Jo Fairley is the mind and intuitive force behind the pioneering and industry-defining organic chocolate, Green & Blacks.
Due to a failed crop of peanuts that her husband, Craig Sams, was unable to use for his world-famous Whole Earth peanut butter, they were introduced to a crop of cocoa beans that Jo had the initiative to recognise as something extremely special.
From that, she decided to put every penny from her flat sale into the founding of Green & Blacks, and in this episode, we speak about that journey that changed the planet, her life in the world of business, and how that tied so beautifully into wellness and sustainability (and we talk a lot about chocolate!)
Fashion Declares by The People Tree’s Safia Minnie
Dr Vandana Shiva
L’occitane Divine Harmony Cream
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Ep. 80 – RISE – Mastering Triggers Like a Pro
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
I LOVE giving you guys tangible tools to help you move into a place of serious inner growth and self-mastery. And nothing screams self-mastery like the kind of emotional mastery that gets you to the level of being able to manage triggers like an emotional intelligence pro!
In this episode I explain:
- What a trigger actually is
- Why we get triggered
- How our triggers relates to shadow and the darker parts of ourselves
- How to recognise the darker parts of ourselves
- How to overcome being triggered
- Emotional intelligence
In the Recondition Your Life Academy I teach my students how to do this in a personally guided process, so if you’re interested in reaching this level of self-mastery, make sure you get your name on the waiting list for the next semester over at www.laurenvakninecoaching.com/recondition
This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.
For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.
Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people.
If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.